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Linn entwickelt und fertigt die besten Musiksysteme für Ihr Zuhause. Ganz gleich, ob Musik, Filme, Games, TV oder Radio — mit Linn klingt einfach alles besser.

Um optimale Qualität zu gewährleisten, wird jedes Linn Gerät von einem einzigen hochqualifizierten Mitarbeiter gebaut, getestet und verpackt. Alte Lieblingssongs oder unentdeckte Schätze — spielen Sie sie über ein Linn Musiksystem, und Sie hören Musik, vor der Sie gar nicht wussten, dass Sie sie besitzen.

Laden Sie diese Broschüre herunter, lernen Sie unsere verschiedenen Musiksysteme kennen, und staunen Sie, was sie alles können.

Space Optimisation

Die Space Optimisation Technologie ist Bestandteil jedes Linn Systems

Sie erstellt ein akustisches Modell Ihres Raums, Ihrer Lautsprecher sowie Ihrer Lautsprecheraufstellung und optimiert auf dieser Basis den Klang. So können Sie das ideale Hörumfeld in Ihrem eigenen Heim genießen.

Machen Sie einen Linn DS Player – mit Space Optimisation – zum Herzstück Ihres Systems, und erleben Sie eine Performance von wahrer Musikalität. Maßgeschneidert für Sie ganz persönlich.

Wie es funktioniert

Erleben Sie den den naturgetreuen Klang jedes Instruments

Wenn Sie ein live gespieltes Instrument hören, kommt das, woraus jede einzelne Note besteht – inklusive aller Obertöne – gleichzeitig an Ihrem Ohr an.

Klingt so simpel, aber Tatsache ist, dass kein Lautsprechersystem es je geschafft hat, diese Bestandteile präzise zu synchronisieren – bis jetzt.

Linn Systeme verfügen über die Exakt Technologie. Sie stellt sicher, dass sämtliche Bestandteile jeder einzelnen Note zeitlich korrekt wiedergegeben werden. Damit Sie den Klang in derselben Natürlichkeit genießen, wie er vom Künstler aufgenommen wurde.

‘...einmalig präzise Klangqualität...ein absolutes Ausnahmesystem...besser kann es nicht gehen.’
HiFi Eins Null, Juni 2014

‘...die HiFi-Kette der Zukunft...’
Stereoplay, Juni 2014

‘Der Beginn einer neuen HiFi-Ära...’
Audio, Dezember 2013

‘Preis- und größenunabhängig gehört die Akudorik-Kette zu den besten Anlagen, die ich je gehört habe.’
Audio, Dezember 2014

‘Otis Taylors „Cold At Midnight“ mit einem treibenden Rhythmus und seinen perfekt getimten Einwürfen von E-Gitarre und Trompete geriet der Isobarik zum Triumphzug: Noch keine Box hatte perfekte Impulse, knochentrockenen Bass und entspannende Sanftheit so harmonisch vereint wie diese außergewöhnliche Kette. Ein Fanal für die Aktivtechnik, die auch Passivfans glücklich machen kann!’
Stereoplay, Marz 2015

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Hörsession buchen

Ob Musik, Filme, Games oder Ihre Lieblings-TV-Sendung — mit einem Linn System klingt alles, was Sie zu Hause gerne hören, einfach besser.

Einfach Ihre Kontaktdaten eingeben, und wir arrangieren bei einem Händler in Ihrer Nähe eine Hörsession mit verschiedenen Linn Systemen.



Bevorstehende Events

24th January

New Year’s Drink Demo Event! Product Launch New Year’s Drink Demo Event! Details

Dear audio lover, New year, new event! We would like to invite you to our third ‘Week of’ event:

Week of Linn 119 & 150 (new speakers) Demonstrations: Friday, January 24 (5pm – 7pm) & Saturday, January 25 (12pm – 2pm)

We’ll be working with two compact yet beautiful sets from Scottish brand Linn.

Set 1: Linn 119 speakers Linn Majik DSM integrated amplifier / DAC / streamer Linn Majik Sondek LP12 turntable

This setup combines Linn’s timeless elegance and premium quality. The 119 speakers deliver amazing sound for their size, the all-in-one Majik DSM amplifier ensures seamless connectivity, and the modular Majik Sondek LP12 turntable provides a high-quality vinyl experience.

A great entry-level set with endless upgrade possibilities at an attractive price.

Set 2: Linn 150 speakers / active with Linn’s Exakt technology Linn Selekt DSM modular amplifier / DAC / streamer Linn Selekt Sondek LP12 turntable

In this setup we demonstrate the capabilities of the modular Selekt DSM. Each driver of the 3-way Linn 150 speaker is individually driven using Linn’s Exakt technology.

With Linn’s Exakt technology, the speaker’s crossovers are bypassed. This allows the individual drivers to be powered separately, resulting in a more natural and musical soundstage.

Vinyl enthusiasts welcome! Bring your own records, and we’ll play them on these top-tier systems.


Two listening sessions:

Friday 24 January from 5pm until 7pm Saturday 25 January from 12pm until 2pm We will provide snacks and a drink.

Reserve your spot

Would you like to join us? Register now through this link (places are limited to 15 people per session).

Don’t worry if you can’t make it on these dates. The 2 sets will be set up and ready to play from 21 January until 11 February, feel free to come and listen with or without an appointment.

Gent, 9000 Wide Screen Audio 17:00 - 19:00
Wide Screen Audio Zwijnaardsesteenweg 75 Gent 9000 Belgium

25th January

New Year’s Drink Demo Event! Product Launch New Year’s Drink Demo Event! Details

Dear audio lover, New year, new event! We would like to invite you to our third ‘Week of’ event:

Week of Linn 119 & 150 (new speakers) Demonstrations: Friday, January 24 (5pm – 7pm) & Saturday, January 25 (12pm – 2pm)

We’ll be working with two compact yet beautiful sets from Scottish brand Linn.

Set 1: Linn 119 speakers Linn Majik DSM integrated amplifier / DAC / streamer Linn Majik Sondek LP12 turntable

This setup combines Linn’s timeless elegance and premium quality. The 119 speakers deliver amazing sound for their size, the all-in-one Majik DSM amplifier ensures seamless connectivity, and the modular Majik Sondek LP12 turntable provides a high-quality vinyl experience.

A great entry-level set with endless upgrade possibilities at an attractive price.

Set 2: Linn 150 speakers / active with Linn’s Exakt technology Linn Selekt DSM modular amplifier / DAC / streamer Linn Selekt Sondek LP12 turntable

In this setup we demonstrate the capabilities of the modular Selekt DSM. Each driver of the 3-way Linn 150 speaker is individually driven using Linn’s Exakt technology.

With Linn’s Exakt technology, the speaker’s crossovers are bypassed. This allows the individual drivers to be powered separately, resulting in a more natural and musical soundstage.

Vinyl enthusiasts welcome! Bring your own records, and we’ll play them on these top-tier systems.


Two listening sessions:

Friday 24 January from 5pm until 7pm Saturday 25 January from 12pm until 2pm We will provide snacks and a drink.

Reserve your spot

Would you like to join us? Register now through this link (places are limited to 15 people per session).

Don’t worry if you can’t make it on these dates. The 2 sets will be set up and ready to play from 21 January until 11 February, feel free to come and listen with or without an appointment.

Gent, Belgium Wide Screen Audio 14:00 - 14:00
Wide Screen Audio Zwijnaardsesteenweg 75 Gent Belgium 9000

2nd February

Linn Showcase at Basil Audio Product Showcase

Linn CEO Gilad Tiefenbrun joins the team at Basil Audio for a very special Linn showcase where not only the best of Linn is presented - but the breadth as well. In addition to everything from 119s to 360s we will also be presenting a brand new product. Details are being kept under wraps until January 30th so stay tuned for the announcement!

Linn Showcase at Basil Audio Details

Join us at the Best Western Premier Hotel Del Mar for an afternoon of sensational audio. Based in Scotland, Linn manufacture everything in-house. Our industry-leading music systems are precision engineered, hand-crafted to the highest quality, and feature the latest ground-breaking Linn technologies. Linn CEO Gilad Tiefenbrun will be in store to demonstrate the full range of Linn's amazing systems - from the energetic, refined and fun 119 speakers to the breathtaking flagship 360 system. Come along to hear just how good your favourite songs can sound.

Please note the Linn Showcase event will be held a short walking distance from Basil Audio San Diego at the following address:

Best Western Premier Hotel Del Mar (Pool House) 720 Camino Del Mar Del Mar California 92014 United States Parking is available at the rear of the hotel.

Spaces are limited, so reserve your place now to avoid disappointment.

California, United States Basil Audio San Diego @ Best Western Premier Hotel Del Mar (Pool House) 13:00
Basil Audio San Diego @ Best Western Premier Hotel Del Mar (Pool House) 720 Camino Del Mar Del Mar California United States 92014

5th February

Product Launch Event product launch Product Launch Event Details

Please join us for an exciting, world exclusive, product launch at Shelley’s Stereo. We’ve been sworn to secrecy until January 30th, after which all will be revealed!

We look forward to this new addition to the LINN family of products. Come and experience it for yourself on February 5th in our showroom.

We are honored to have joining us, LINN CEO, Gilad Tiefenbrun, who will perform the reveal and demonstration.

Four 45-minute slots are available beginning at 3:00 pm, 3:45 pm, 4:30 pm and 5:15 pm.

Reserve your preferred time slot now!

Woodland Hills, United States Shelley's Stereo 15:00
Shelley's Stereo 22102 Clarendon Street Woodland Hills United States CA 91367