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Hello Klimax LP12
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Product Showcase: Hello Klimax LP12

Wednesday 1st June 2022, 18:00 Stockholm, Sweden High Fidelity @ High Fidelity

Join us to hear more music from the groove of a record than you ever thought was possible. Relax with a drink as you listen to your favourite tracks on the iconic Linn Sondek LP12, the benchmark against which any serious turntable is judged. You’ll hear the stories behind this iconic product, marvel in the timeless design that has been precision engineered and refined over almost five decades. With the new Klimax LP12 - featuring new Radikal & Ekstatik - you get an in-depth look at the latest range of Linn´s high performance upgrade components presented by a Linn product trainer.

The Venue
High Fidelity @ High Fidelity Karlavägen 42
114 49
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